Married to a Strong Russian Woman? Here’s How to Keep Your Marriage Happy

Yulia Kozlov


Before a couple gets married, life is all unicorns and rainbows. The flowers are in bloom, and the birds are in tune.

Once the honeymoon ends, that’s when the real work begins.

No doubt, the day you married your Russian bride was the happiest day of your life. But like every couple in the world, time sobers you up to your wife’s quirks and true personality. To be fair, she’s learning to deal with the real you as well.

Now, it’s not all doom and gloom. Married couples simply grow past physical attraction and move on to living with each other day to day. While Russian women are internationally recognized for their extraordinary beauty, a trait your wife certainly possesses, that does wear out to some extent as you go on through the years.

And while your wife is certainly unique, the Russian in her can be difficult to deal with at times. So if you want your marriage to last, here are tips on how to handle a strong Russian personality:

1. When she is too straightforward.

She may mean well, but neither tact nor delicacy is in her vocabulary. Words like “You’re too clumsy” or “You don’t know how to fold your clothes right” may seem like nothing to her — she’s just calling it as she sees it — yet feel like jabs into your manly ego.

You could tell her that the way she says things is hurtful and that she could tone it down a bit. However, expecting her to change anytime soon might not be realistic. So to do your part, take what she says with a grain of salt. Translation: don’t take it personally.

2. She needs to look good all the time.

You may have married someone with supermodel good looks. But what you didn’t count on was her having to maintain those looks day in and day out.

Her daily regimen may consist of thorough make-up sessions, Pilates, trying out several outfits, and eating strictly healthy food.

That is a lot of maintenance to deal with, not to mention time-consuming. Even worse — you’ll need to keep up on the looks department. You aren’t going to compromise her carefully put-together image by dressing like a hobo.

Here’s how to deal with that: meet her in the middle. Figure out how to look good while being dressed down, practice good hygiene, exercise, and eat right.

It’s not about being superficial. The better you take care of yourself, the better you’ll feel and the longer you’ll live.

3. She’s very opinionated.

Understand that Russian women, on average, are highly educated and smart. They have survivor genes that have gotten them through generations of bad weather, wars, and totalitarian regimes.

So she’ll have some strong opinions.

Question: Do you love her? Does she love you? If yes, learn to say “yes dear” a hundred times a day. She’ll feel like you care about her more, and she’ll make you a very happy man for it.

4. She expects you to be a gentleman forever.

Russian women have this preconceived notion of men being strong, tough, and decisive figures who treat their wives like princesses.

Unfortunately, a lot of men seem to have this notion that they can drop the prince charming act as soon as the honeymoon ends.

With a Russian wife that would be a mistake. You are forever relegated to a life of opening doors, pulling chairs, and footing bills. But look on the bright side — it builds character.

5. She pushes you to be successful.

Your high school football coach may have run a tight ship back in the day, but no one pushes you to be the best you can be like your Russian wife.

After all, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Russian women don’t like weak husbands. They want men who are decisive and in control.

Many men who have strong wives tend to become resentful over time because they feel like they are never enough. It’s easy to feel this way when there is more criticism than compliments coming your way.

But if you change your perspective about it, you may just figure that it’s really all out of love for you. She is fiercely in love with you and will stay loyal to you. It’s why she doesn’t want you to be less than you can be.

If you take it the right way, you’ll be so fulfilled as the man you will become. And no one will be prouder of you than her.



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